Sweetest Memory Ever...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

One year after SPM...

One year after SPM...

When we look the slide above, we cried like a baby but we are now far more mature than before. That's a true fact thou. Last year, we fear of SPM but now we have knew the result and have to look forward. Nostalgic? Yup, I knew what you feel. For some of us we still meet at the limteh and yamcha times...but for those who way far from us, we now just have the chance to meet them once in the blue moon...many of us look towards the reunion ahead, have you change my friends? hehe...
Don't cry like a baby when read this because we have made a reunion for the future sake in the year 2015. Maybe many have become suai and leng, who know...wakaka XP

Do anybody want to revisit our old class and make it a video for us to watch?
St. Anthony start building it own dewan liao (confirm!)