Sweetest Memory Ever...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

i think the shirt d0n nit the name le ba .
if put name sure n0t en0ugh space .

and when we sh0w to other ?
they want buy als0 leeeeee

the fire logo

yes u can put the gif format in ur post. but u need a gif image to put at the site template. cannot use css code. if i put gif picture in, it ain't animated. if i make the site title empty and replace it wif html script, oso can't. cos the position of the site logo will be lower which looks not reli nice. i've tried. it's true.

Haunted??? ouw....

I see this logo like I have entered a haunted blogspot...

where is the crazy woman at the bottom of blogspot?
she is cool

Gif Logo Can move d...

wakaka...use this too!

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Sure you guy will like it....

We are HOT!
you're welc0me saudara Darrel .


terima kasih atas pujian saudari emy yew. akan saya teruskan usaha untuk memajukan blogspot 5s1.


wh0 create the l0g0 ?
simple but very sui ~